
This page outlines information on services.

Three outstanding features of Fundus AI

Feature 1

AI runs an analysis on the spot,
and predicts the possibility of abnormal findings

The pet's case (fundus images) is analyzed quickly. There is no need to compare the images against retinal atlas maps.

Feature 2

Informations are provided
to owners immediately

Analysis results are displayed intuitively as images and text. These make it easier to provide explanations to owners or refer cases to secondary medical care facilities.

Feature 3

Includes explanations by specialists

Fundus AI is fully supervised by ophthalmologists. In addition to the analysis results, it also provides specialist explanations.


The AI analyzes expected abnormal findings based on fundus images photographed at the clinical practice.

  • Up to 20 images can be uploaded as a batch

  • Analysis takes just a few minutes

  • Possible similarities with each abnormal finding are displayed on graphs

  • Detailed specialist explanations on each abnormal
    finding are also displayed

  • Analysis history is saved and can be checked later

  • <Analyzed abnormal findings>
    ・Optic nerve head abnormalities・Tapetum area abnormalities
    ・Intermediate optic media opacity・Subretinal fluid retention
    ・Retinal vein abnormalities・Giant retinal tears

How to Use

Fundus images analyzed in three simple steps


Photograph fundus with retinal camera

During the medical examination, the dog's fundus is photographed with a retinal camera. The fundus images actually photographed at the clinical practice can be used to run analyses related to ophthalmic findings.


Start analysis

Photographed fundus images are uploaded to Fundus AI. The analysis process will start.


Analysis complete

The analysis is completed on the spot. The degree of similarity with ophthalmic findings is displayed in the analysis results. Past analysis history can also be displayed.

Specialist explanations on each ophthalmic finding are also available for reference. This information is useful for subsequent examinations and determining treatment courses. It can also be printed out straight away and handed to the owner.

Specialist Feedback

Fully supervised by ophthalmologists

Seiya Maehara
Dog fundus images are complex and differ significantly between individual animals, such that even veterinarian ophthalmologists have been observing an immense number of cases to gain a better insight. Fundus AI is a service that analyzes dog fundus images very quickly using AI technology, and provides information close to the findings observed by veterinarian ophthalmologists. Fundus AI shows promise as a way for increasing accuracy and efficiency when diagnosing fundus diseases in dogs.

Seiya Maehara, Director, HIKARIMACHI Animal Eye Clinic

Funduscopic examinations are an important process for diagnosing ophthalmologic diseases, however interpreting the results requires a certain level of skill. As such, many tend to avoid performing such examinations. By uploading photographed fundus images, this service allows us to browse images of similar abnormalities and also read additional reference information. The system will definitely help enhance the quality of the diagnoses we performed on a daily basis.

Naoaki Takiyama, Director, Veterinary Eye Clinic Nagoya

Naoaki Takiyama
About Fundus AI

For inquiry

Meni-one Co., Ltd.
Miyuki Business Park Building No. 4, 390 Ichibagi-cho, Nishi-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 452-0805 JAPAN