About Fundus AI

This page outlines the concept behind Fundus AI.

The concept behind Fundus AI

Keeping dogs' eyes healthy
Contributing to early detection and appropriate diagnosis of "eye diseases" that are common in dogs.

We are aiming to lower the barrier for ophthalmic examinations and develop a system where all veterinarians can play an active role.
One day we hope to see this become a reality.
There are some 9 million dogs being raised as members of families around Japan (*1), and in recent years many of those dogs are diagnosed at animal hospitals when they become sick. As a result, eye diseases form the sixth most common ailment after skin, gastrointestinal, ear, skeletal muscle, and systemic diseases (*2). Yet there is an issue where there is a shortage of veterinarians with specialist knowledge or skills required for veterinary ophthalmology. Meni-one developed Fundus AI to try and make improvements to address this shortage.

*1 Japan Pet Food Association "2018 Survey on Cat and Dog Ownership"
*2 Anicom Insurance, Inc. "White Paper on Household Animals 2018"

What we aim to deliver with Fundus AI

AI to provide support for advanced veterinarian ophthalmic examinations

Fundus AI is a diagnosis and treatment support system for dog ophthalmic examinations.
It uses AI to provide appropriate and advanced analysis information to veterinarians performing ophthalmic exams.

Aiming to bring change to clinical practices

Actively tackling ophthalmic examinations

  • Harnessing Fundus AI allows access to AI analysis results and the knowledge of ophthalmologists. This in turn brings familiarity to ophthalmic examinations.
  • Fully utilizing AI analysis results and explanations by specialists helps to enhance diagnosis accuracy and efficiency.
  • Being able to access analysis results and specialist explanations is useful for increasing your own knowledge on ophthalmic exams.

Provide explanations to owners in simple terms

  • Photographed fundus images are displayed on PC screens. This allows simple, easy-to-understand explanations to be given to owners.
  • Expected abnormal findings and specialist explanations can also be displayed. These can be printed out straight away and provided to the owner as explanatory notes.
  • Facilitates smooth communication between veterinarians and owners, and builds a stronger sense of trust.

Makes referring cases to secondary medical care facilities smoother

  • The AI analysis results from Fundus AI can be provided to secondary medical care facilities as digital data or printed documents. This allows for more efficient medical examinations at secondary medical care facilities.